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CQC's annual report for 2018/19 - safeguarding performance

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) have published its annual report for 2018/19. CQC measures its safeguarding performance in a number of ways:

  • Safeguarding alerts referred to a local authority within 0 to 1 days
  • Mandatory actions in response to safeguarding alerts and concerns taken in 0 to 5 days

In 2018/19 CQC's performance on referring safeguarding alerts to a local authority within 1 day was 94%, with a target of 95%.

For performance on one of four possible mandatory actions taken in 0 to 5 day it was 89% of alerts and concerns against a target of 95%. Performance in 2017/18 was 90%.

CQC report that they have strengthened their safeguarding alerts process and risk management system to make sure that their decision-making is informed effectively (Governance statement, see page 61 of the report). CQC acknowledge they need to improve how quickly they take mandatory actions for ‘safeguarding concerns’ (where they need to find out more information before they take a decision).

Click here to read the report
