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Evidence scope: loneliness and social work

This evidence scope was commissioned by the Chief Social Worker for Adults and led by Research in Practice for Adults (RiPfA). The document looks at the role of social workers in preventing and reducing loneliness and isolation. It

  • builds on existing evidence on loneliness and considers research and good practice in identifying people who are experiencing, or at risk of, chronic loneliness
  • suggests effective interventions to prevent and reduce loneliness in a social work context
  • summarises main messages for social workers and employers to inform development of resources to improve practice in this area.

Click here to download a copy of the evidence scope.

Also see the following article on GPs and loneliness:

To support and not to cure: general practitioner management of loneliness (2020) Jovicic, Ana; McPherson, Susan. Health & Social Care in the Community
